Air Conditioning
When it’s cold we complain about the weather, when it’s hot – we still complain about the weather! However, if you have got a good air conditioning system in your car you can forget about the temperature outside, because you can make sure the temperature inside is just perfect.
Most modern cars are fitted with some form of climate control and its purpose is to create and maintain a comfortable condition within the vehicle.
It’s easy to assume your air con will continue to deliver for the life of the car, but that’s not how an AC system works. It needs a special gas refrigerant and that needs recharging from time to time to keep it working efficiently – in much the same way the same way you need to top up the antifreeze in your radiator each season.
As a minimum you will need to get your refrigerant levels checked every 2 years, but it is good practice to do more than just ‘Regas’.
To keep your air conditioning system working really well you should:
- Ensure it’s fully charged
- Test it for abnormal leaks so you don’t have to regas frequently
- Make sure it’s working effectively and not causing your fuel efficiency to suffer (inefficient ACs make your engine work harder)
- Remove bacteria in the ducts and vents (getting rid of stale or musty odours)
Get your air conditioning system serviced now and you can enjoy fresh, clean air at the perfect temperature for you. Book now by calling us on 01707 394333.